You cannot maintain a decent home without having the proper tools. Unless you wish to call a handyman for every little thing, you will need to get a decent set of tools and use them periodically. Unfortunately, some devices can be pretty expensive. And while most homeowners understand the value of having proper tools, not all know how to maintain them. This is why we will use this article to give you five ways to properly maintain your tools and ensure they will serve you for years. |
How to Properly Maintain Your Tools |
Proper tools maintenance is by no means arduous. Once you understand the basics of it, you will be able to keep your tools in pristine condition with relative ease. What's important is that you always adhere to these methods, as forgoing them can cause your tools to deteriorate quite quickly. |
Clean After Use |
The first rule to adhere to is that you need to clean your tools after use. How much you will have to clean them depends on the tools and what you used them for. But a good rule of thumb is that they must be in the same condition as before usage. |
Protect From Moisture |
Moisture is the most common destroyer of household tools. Especially when it comes to metal ones, yes, they can break, bend, or chip. But nothing causes such irreparable damage as moisture. Therefore, if you wish to maintain your tools properly, it is paramount that you keep them away from moisture. If you keep them in a shed, ensure no rain can seep in. If you keep them in a basement, make sure that a sudden flood won't touch them.
All in all, try to predict various circumstances and see that your tools won't come into contact with moisture. This is important to remember if you plan to store or transport your tools. Seeing that you won't be able to dry them off quickly, you need to know how to get them ready for transport or storage and pack your power tools so that poor weather won't cause problems. |
Proper Storage |
Moisture, temperature fluctuations, dirt, and even some common pests. All can cause damage to your tools. This is why it is paramount that you find proper storage for them. While it may seem that any old shed will do, we invite you to think again. Consider all the hazards that can come about and how they can damage your tools. In almost all cases, investing in decent storage is much more cost-efficient than risk damage. A tool shed can be enough. But it would help if you made sure to insulate it properly. If you have valuable tools, you might look to invest in some extra safety measures. A dingy old lock might not be as protective as you might think. |
 | Properly Stored Tools You need to have decent, well-organized storage if you wish to properly maintain your tools. |
Learn How To Use Them Properly |
Tools are meant to be used. And to make full use of them, you need to understand how and when they are meant to be used. You'd be surprised at how often people forgo doing basic research and misuse their tools. This causes them to waste their energy and puts their tools in danger. If you don't use your tools properly, you can hardly hope they will last a long time. So, whatever tool you have, and however confident you feel about it, try to do a bit of research. It is always best to use the tools as they were intended to be used. |
 * If you don't clean painting tools after using them, you can consider them ruined. |
Even if you feel that some dirt won't harm the tool in question, we would still advise you to clean it properly. Doing so will keep your tool primed and ready for subsequent usage. And you will maintain the helpful habit of keeping your tools clean. The more you see this as something that has to be done, the more likely your tools will last for decades to come. |
Keep Them Sharp |
If a tool has an edge, that edge needs to be sharp. Regardless of how often you use the tools or how precise your cuts need to be, keeping blades sharp is in your best interest. Again, there are multiple reasons for this. The sharper the edge of a tool is, the less force you need to apply for it to be effective. As a result, you will save energy and put less stress on your tool. |
Secondly, understand that sharpening is a skill. While there are sharpening tools that can aid you, none can substitute a sharpening stone. The more you use one, the better you will be at it. So, don't forgo a bit of practice simply because you feel you won't use the tool soon. Finally, it is essential to remember that you never know when you will need to use a tool and whether you will have the time to sharpen it. And regardless of what DIY project you have in mind, you will need a sharp tool. |  | Therefore, it is best to keep your tools sharp, then hope you will have enough time and patience to sharpen them before use. |
Final Thoughts |
As you can see, there is not much you need to understand or do to properly maintain your tools. What you need is just some common sense. And a bit of responsibility for your property. Therefore, we are still surprised at how often people ruin their tools simply due to a lack of care. If you've already decided to own and use tools, don't do so haphazardly. Make sure that you understand what they are about. And make sure that you know how to use them properly. |
Credits: https://www.pexels.com/photo/set-of-tool-wrench-162553/